To make image pixel art style → make color together to look like pixel
If you don't want too many noise you can use smooth
It support jpeg、png、gif、mp4, with file size restrict maxinum is 4MB
image resolution has no restriction. If over 1024px it will be 1024px
Though it can support RGBA gray scale but out put will turn into RGB
So alpha will be lost.
Support transparant PNG
If checked “export as transparant PNG”, RGBA image will be export as PNG
However alpha channel will be enlarge. Half alpha will be lost
If you check “Only 1px to Twitter transparent”, only left upper corner of image will be alpha PNG
When you want to avoid Twitter enforce compress to jpeg
Processed Image will be deleted soon.
General Principle
Using OpenCV, make picture micrify 1/n → Make it enlarge to original size and make it pixel art style.
And use filter to reduce so noise.
Then use kmeans to classify to k colors, to calculate means and reduce colors.
Result is processed image. Looks like a pixel art image.